This is Cattle Feeding

Raising cattle to provide one of the most protein and nutrient-dense foods in our diet is a big deal. But in today's world, it's often overlooked, undersold, misunderstood or worse. It's time to shine a light on the specific ways cattle feeders are doing things right, and doing them better today than ever. Our best practices are based on experience, backed by science, and implemented through technology.

But before all that, it starts with our humanity. See the human side of cattle feeding, and you'll see the obligation we feel to the cattle and environment we steward, and the customers we serve who want to feel confident about the beef they eat. We get it, and we want you to "get" us!

Feeding the Local Economy

Para Livestock

Michael and Liz Para make cattle feeding fit right in the agriculturally-rich Othello area. Buying local cattle, feed stuffs, and using byproducts makes the local economic footprint of their small business, well, big.
Next Gen Feeding

C & G Cattle Co.

Get the 101 on cattle feeding from Othello feeder Camas Uebelacker. He and his wife Gretchen built their yard and their farm from scratch, and they're raising a young family on it today. Camas hosted the Washington Grown film crew to share more about how cattle are cared for at a feed yard with the public.

Local Is As Local Does

Agri Beef

With cattle ranching, feeding and processing operations in Washington and throughout the northwest, Agri Beef is a leader in getting beef to hungry people. Utilizing local feed opportunities and providing exceptional cattle care is the focus at their feedyard near Moses Lake.

Cattle First Culture

Beef Northwest Feeders

Fostering an environment of teamwork and recruiting people who show up every day, passionate about meeting the needs of their cattle are key strategies in BNW's quest for great, not good. Follow on Instagram for a look at daily life in their operations: @beefnorthwest